Do you want to level up in 2022? Here is how...
Leveling up and learning how to become a feminine woman can be both overwhelming and lonely. You would have faster results if you were surrounded by experts and by like-minded women who were on the same level up journey. Sadly, most of the people around you do not understand you. Here is how you can make your level up journey easier and become the most feminine woman your man has ever dated.

HVQ Retreat: The luxury, level-up retreat for feminine women who want to date up, connect, build and grow.
This ‘7 Day HVQ Retreat’ in Tulum, Mexico is all about taking action to create your extraordinary life, which is why I'm rewarding action-takers like you and removing every obstacle so you, too, can claim your transformation and the happiness you deserve. This is your chance to truly transform and learn how you could truly have it all the right way. Make a promise to focus on yourself and get the 25th - 31st May 2022 locked into your calendars. Knowing that you have your Retreat booked for May 2022 (the year of ELEVATION) will transform you into a greater level subconsciously in the build-up and you'll begin making progress toward your dreams, starting today.
You can have great mental and physical health, your dream body, dream career that you love which allows you to live a high quality life whilst manifesting your dream empire, a healthy relationship with a divine masculine man of substance and purpose who is madly in love and spoils you. You can also have high-calibre feminine friends and unbreakable confidence.By working on yourself daily and by surrounding yourself with experts, you can transform your entire life and manifest abundance limitlessly.
@TheInspirationalGuru_ (Lawyer, Inspirational Speaker, Business & Life Transformational Coach) and myself @Highvaluequeens (Femininity Coach) are super excited to invite you to our luxurious, level up retreat, May 2022 in Tulum Mexico.

What to expect & What’s in it for you?
Marriage and Men's Health - Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Health studies, show that women are happier and live longer when they have feminine friends, but men are happier when they have a wife.What does that mean for you? It simply means that you need to connect with other feminine women of high value and purpose. Feminine women are rare. Most modern women today are highly masculine. Just by being and connecting with the top 1% of women, you will transcend and heal your wounded femininity. You also need to understand that men need you more than you need them (YOU ARE THE PRIZE QUEEN)! This retreat will help you create the most exciting life ever which means that anyone on it will simply add to it, no one will be needed for your happiness.
Level up classes at the retreat will include the following:Femininity Workshop - Would you date a feminine man? Then why do you want a masculine man to want you if you are masculine? Success in hypergamy requires extreme femininity, strategy and knowledge. You will learn everything you need to know about ‘Male Psychology’ and ‘Femininity’. I share tons of effective dating strategies on my instagram page @Highvaluequeens and hundreds of women message me to tell me that my advice works.
Check my highlight reel here and go read the unbelievable results women who take my femininity course are getting. For the first time ever, you will receive exclusive femininity tips and learn how to become the most feminine woman he has ever dated. You will also learn how to “keep the chase going” as a single or married woman with children. I will show you what feminine women do to make men chase them forever.
You will also get a full two-day Etiquette Course from a certified etiquette coach - Plenty of etiquette coaches offer this but none of them also offer a luxury stay in a luxe villa where everything is taken care of for you.
This course is important for those of you who desire to date or marry high-quality powerful men. They look for a “first lady” type of woman. They want a woman they can take to a business dinner who will help them build rapport with their clients and sign big contracts. They don’t want a woman who could embarrass them because she has poor table manners and bad etiquette. The coach will have lunch and have dinner with you to make sure you are now doing everything correctly in a real environment. You will learn about table manners, how to be a great host, how to carry yourself elegantly and so much more.
You will get a workshop on ‘Fashion & Beauty’ by our fashion stylist - You will learn how to dress in a feminine way. It is important to dress in a feminine way and wear what looks good on you. When you dress well, you feel better about yourself and do things better. I believe that looking good shouldn’t be time-consuming for you due to other areas of your life, which also require your attention. This course is especially important for those of you who are or want to be traditional stay-at-home wives. You need to invest in your looks for yourself, for your kids and for your husband. If you want your husband to keep on chasing you, you need to invest in your looks and appearance. Don’t underestimate how visual men are. They are more visual than us women.
You will learn how to make more money as an entrepreneur & investor with our Business Coaching & Wealth Workshop - Lawyer and Business Coach Veritas (@TheInspirationalGuru_ on Instagram), will teach you some legal skills such as 'how to negotiate a prenup that benefits you prior to marriage'. Many women marry for love alone but end up paying the price for it: stress, poverty, declining mental health battles after the divorce or when their husband dies...
Confident women love with their hearts but also their heads. It is important for you to have financial benefits and emotional benefits both in and out of a relationship. High-Value women don’t make men their financial plan, they create legacies themselves.You will also learn how to multiply your money through learning ‘How to invest’, starting your own business to create multiple sources of income, which is essential for financial security and protection. This is essential for your elevation to the next level whether you are married or single. She will teach you how to start investing in real estate and make profits out of it. So many people think that they are buying an asset when they buy real estate but in reality, they are buying a liability. In this module, you will learn how to get more money when you invest in real estate.This retreat will help you to transform every aspect of not just your lifestyle, but your mindset, relationships, finances, business, wealth, emotional wellbeing and core confidence too. You will also learn how to truly develop attractive personality traits such as your ability to work on your goals and be adventurous.
This is just half of your week. You will also play hard!

Do you love princess treatment?
Imagine waking up in sunny Mexico...
Your breakfast is being cooked by one of our private chefs while you meditate and exercise with us. You have no worries in the world. You can go swimming in the private pool of the villa or go enjoy the ocean.After each workshop, you do something incredible and new.
Expect a private yacht party to enjoy the ocean, swim with turtles, eat well and party abundantly. The crew will make sure that your cocktail glass is always full and that your stomach is always happy. You are a queen and you deserve luxury. You won’t have to lift a finger as you will be spoiled and in for limitless abundant treats.
Are you a bit tense because of work, corporate and city life? Before going to the spa, we will stop at a beach club for breakfast (it’s on us once again because you deserve to be spoiled!). After that, our driver will drive you to the spa. You will experience healing relaxation at a luxury spa, get the spa treatment you’ve always dreamt of. Imagine your body being wrapped in chocolate for a relaxing treatment? Do you prefer a massage? You will get all of that too.
Are you adventurous? We will explore Tulum and be adventurous by swimming in the blue, impressive Cenote.
Maybe you think that retreats like this are only for women who are broken? That is not true. Successful people attend an average of three seminars a year. They never stop leveling up and networking. Did you know that @Iamnatalie (Bossbabe CoFounder) and her friend Danielle Canty (@Daniellecanty) met at a business seminar? Together they built the legendary Bossbabe movement and now have a multimillion-dollar business empire. You have the power to manifest and create this too!Your college degree alone isn’t enough to have a successful life. The quality of your life depends on your knowledge and on your network. This is your chance.

Here are the modules of each workshop
Your 2 Day Modern etiquette workshop:
Our certified modern etiquette teacher will teach you the following modules and then lunch and have dinner with you.
She will make sure you are now doing everything right.
Greetings - Do you know how to greet a man and a woman properly? The way you greet varies from one country to another. This course will teach you exactly what to do so that you make your interlocutor feel at ease around you and win them over.
Table manners - You will learn how to dine elegantly
Napkin folding - When you receive important people everything needs to look elegant. During this module, you will learn how to fold the napkins properly. So many people get it wrong.
The art of serving tea and coffee - Drinking coffee is such an important part of socialization. During this module, you will learn everything you need to make your guest feel important and win them over.
Formal Dining Protocol - If you date up, you will be invited to elegant places. You need to master formal dining protocol.
Pairings - Being a great host means knowing what wine goes with what food. During this module, the etiquette coach will teach you everything you need to know on how to pair your wine with the food.
Boutique Flower Skills - The feminine makes a house become a home. You will learn how to arrange the flowers and make your home look more elegant.
Receiving at-home style - A great host makes her guests feel comfortable and important. During this module, you will learn all the social skills you need to master to receive at home with style.
Table setting - There are specific rules when it comes to the table setting. You need to know where the cutlery sits etc. You showing that you master this skill shows that you have class. When you have class, elegant people want to invite you again and again.
Deportment essentials to move with grace and style - You need to learn how to move elegantly. We spend hours working at the desk that we now have a poor posture and look tired. This module will teach you how to walk elegantly and give you all the tricks you need to get it right.

The Femininity Workshop:
Have you ever wondered why even gorgeous women with a good heart get taken for granted?Sadly, most women don't know how to magnetize men. This is why this workshop is important.
Here are the modules you will have:
How to heal your ‘Wounded Femininity’ - In this first module, I will teach you how to heal your wounded femininity. Many women operate from a wounded place without even realizing it. However this is not your fault. The current society is extremely masculine and out of balance. In addition, there are childhood and past relationship traumas. I will explain to you the difference between masculine energy and feminine energy. This module is important for women who work in an extremely masculine environment, make a high income or are single mothers. From my experience those women tend to be the most masculine women because they don’t learn how to heal and reconnect with their feminine side and unconsciously, they think that they need to compete with men to be successful and validated.
How to read a man’s interest - Men have their own way to show you that they are interested in you. Many women expect a declaration which is wrong because a man can tell you “I love you” but still ghost you. This module will tell you exactly how to know that he likes you or not so that you have all the tools with you.
How to keep the chase going - Many women are hard to get at the beginning and once they like the man, they start to act like ‘Pick Me’s’ and the man disappears or starts taking them for granted. In this module, I will teach you how to make sure that you always behave like the prize and keep the chase going on. This module is important because many times, most women don’t realize that they are not being feminine. They think that they are being good girlfriends but in reality, they sabotage themselves. Their partner stops paying attention to them. They stop buying them gifts for no reason, stop taking them on dates and telling them that they are beautiful.Those modules will help you navigate dating confidently in this world of Dm’s and 150 characters.
At the end of this workshop, you will learn how to stand out. You will realize that you don’t need to compete with other women because you dominate.

Fashion & Makeup Workshop:
This course will be split into two parts. The FASHION segment will focus on:How to look expensive without having to break the bank - Looking good doesn’t have to be expensive and you don’t have to look like anyone else. Our fashion stylist will tell you how to choose the right fabric and style to elevate your looks.
How to look incredible with your own body type and personal preferences - Whether you are a curvy goddess or a skinny one or anything in between, you need to be proud of your body. In this module our fashion stylist will teach you how to wear the clothes you love but never dared to wear. She will teach you how to style them in a way that makes you love your body more and make you feel glamorous.
How to keep up with your appearance without having to spend hours in the bathroom - This module is important if you have kids and a full time job. Looking good takes time and that time is hard to find . The fashion stylist will teach you how to keep up with your looks without having to spend too much time. You will know how to make your man drool when he sees you.

Makeup Workshop:
The MAKE UP segment will focus on:
Basic knowledge on how to prep your skin - The mistake many women make is that they go from moisturizer to foundation with no steps in between. Your skin needs some prep to make your makeup look fabulous and stay longer.
Daytime and night time makeup - Do you have the same makeup look for day and night? This is a mistake. Feminine women know the importance of adjusting their looks based on the event and time of the day. In this module, you will learn how to enhance your natural beauty with this module. We will teach you all the techniques you saw makeup gurus practice on youtube. Maybe those videos overwhelmed you? You will realize that those techniques aren’t that hard and you too can master them.
How to choose your makeup look - You will learn how to find the right makeup look based on your face. Not everyone needs contouring.You will learn how to find the right lipstick for your skin tone as well as applying perfume in a way that increases your sensuality.

Business Coaching & Wealth Workshop:
The biggest misconception of femininity is that a man is our financial plan and that you can only be a housewife to be with a provider and masculine man. This is totally false. You can be a divine feminine woman and a bossbabe at the same time, it’s all about balance and Veritas (@Theinspirationalguru_) will show you how in detail.It is important for you to still have your own career, your own legacy and wealth.You will also learn how to legally protect yourself through Prenuptial Agreements, Intellectual Property Protection and Supply of Services Agreements.
You will learn about:
How to start your dream business - startup tips, business credit & starting your business whilst working your 9-5.
Mindset, Manifestation & Confidence building -How to create a wealth and abundance mindset, self-discipline.
1.Investment Portfolios - Cryptocurrency, Real Estate, Air BnB, Gold. How to flip your 9-5 paycheck through investments.
2.Legal Agreements - How they protect you in business and in relationships
3.How to be feminine in business - You will learn how to use your feminine energy to attract abundance in the male dominant corporate environments.
4.Financial Literacy & The importance of Financial Protection - You will learn how to take calculated risks and how to take sound financial decisions. You will learn how to protect yourself and risk management (insurance and cover).

What will your dream week look like?
The retreat will last 7 Days.
We will take care of you during the whole retreat. We will pick you up at Cancun airport and take you to your Villa. You won’t be stressed or lost as one of the coaches will welcome you.
Once everyone arrives, you will have a welcome dinner party with yummy food and drinks. It will be your occasion to finally meet like-minded women and empower one another.
This retreat is about building new connections and leveling up. This is why you will share your room with one or two other women. We have two private rooms only. If you want one, secure your spot as soon as possible because it is first come, first served.
Each morning at the villa, your private chef will cook the nutritious and filling breakfast of your choice.The daily cleaning ladies will keep your room clean and tidy so that you don’t have anything to do during the whole trip. It is so pleasing to feel like a princess and have zero cleaning or cooking to do for the whole week of the retreat.
Please note that the pictures of the villa will be shown to you only after the zoom meeting. We need to verify your identity for security purposes.
Have you ever swam in a Cenote?
One of the most memorable experiences to have during a trip to Mexico’s Caribbean coast is swimming in a Cenote.
These unique sinkholes come in so many shapes and forms, each providing visitors with a different experience.The Cenotes’ natural beauty and intriguing locations have made a splash recently across social media, and it’s no surprise why so many people from all across the world are eager to visit!
Cenotes are natural deep-water wells (sinkholes), which are fed by the filtration of rain and by the currents of underground rivers that are born in the heart of the earth. That is why when swimming in a cenote you feel so refreshed. The average temperature of its waters is a maximum of 75° F (23°C). You will love swimming and floating in a cenote if you love nature.
Have you ever done a private yacht party and swum with turtles?
You will explore the coast on a private yacht tour because you deserve it. Public boat tours are nice but they are usually packed.
We chose to rent a private yacht for you to make you explore the Riviera without having to deal with drunk strangers and feel at ease.Have you ever swam with turtles?
This MAY 2022, this will be a dream come true. Get ready for adventure, tan lines and cocktails onboard.
Are you a foodie? If so, you will be happy. You will have plenty of snacks to eat, and an open bar to enjoy the best cocktails.You will have snorkels available on board. No need to buy new equipment. You will be able to take impressive underwater pictures with an underwater camera to take amazing pics and make memories for life.
The crew will make sure to bring you towels as well so that you can travel light.
For the spa, you will get a full body massage and the application of organic honey & “Mayan Clay” from head to toes. This will be your opportunity to deeply relax and forget about all your problems.Do you know how important it is to detox and get rid of dead skin? This treatment will be followed by cotton clothes body wrap to allow your body to absorb the properties of the “Mayan Clay”. It will help bring out all the toxins as well as dead skins.

Do you worry about your safety?
We take care of protecting you. The pictures of the villa will not be shared publicly. We will screen all applicants via a private Zoom meeting and an ID verification before sending you the pictures of the villa.
The villa has a private entry and there will be a manager with you 24/7 if you need anything.You will have our Whatsapp number after booking with us. We will answer all the questions you have before and during the trip.
What does the price include?
The price includes the stay in a luxury villa for 7 days and 6 nights. It also includes the cenote trip, the airport shuttle (return trip), the workshops, the yacht party, the welcome dinner party, taxes, the food at the villa if you choose to cook small snacks, the daily shuttle to downtown by our private drivers, Yes! All of that.
It excludes lunch and dinners. Tulum has some amazing restaurants, we want to give you the opportunity to explore and try the places your soul wants to discover.Your personal shopping and your return flights to Tulum and your covid tests are not included.

Is this retreat for you?
This retreat is a ‘WOMAN ONLY’ retreat.
-It is for you if you want to date up
-It is for you if you believe in femininity principles and want to know more
-It is for you if you want to get your money right and have multiple sources of income
-It is for you if you believe in the importance of investing in yourself.
-It is for you if you want to connect with like-minded womenIt is for you if you believe in femininity principles and want to know more
This retreat is NOT for you if:
-You believe that feminism and femininity can’t coexistYou care about having a lot of solo moments.
-This is a retreat, so we are all doing this to connect and absorb the femininity energy of other women.
-You don’t want to level up.
How to secure your spot:
Spots are extremely limited and you can apply until the 28th January. This retreat is only for women who are willing to put in the work and share our values. If your application is accepted, you will receive the documentation to secure your spot.
You need to book a FREE zoom call with us first. We will verify your identity and make sure you share our values by answering some of our questions.
To apply: email me or one of the coaches at or Emails are easier for communication because instagram DMs get lost easily. Then we will arrange a time to chat over zoom.
Look at what those who read my books on femininity and self-confidence have to say. Imagine the results you could get if you spent 7 intensive days with me...

Ready to invest in yourself too? Let's go!