How to Be in Your Feminine Energy When Dating? “He Gave Me a Credit Card and Committed”

Have you ever felt lost in finding your Mr Right? Scrolling through endless dating profiles, wondering where all the "good ones" went? Well, dating and being in a relationship in today's world can be a frustrating experience. But what if there was a way to build your confidence, to level up your love life and attract the partner you deserve? It's all about leveling up your confidence, your self-worth, and yes, your femininity. 

Manon Ferrari
Image Credit: Manon Ferrari IG 


In today’s interview, we'll meet Manon Ferrari. This stunning French beauty influencer and model seems to have it all.

Constant exposure to social media scrutiny can chip away at anyone's self-esteem. Manon's journey involved battling confidence and trust issues, a struggle many women, especially models, can relate to.

Here's the thing: Manon didn't let these challenges define her. Instead, she started a level-up journey, embraced healthy habits and rediscovered her inner strength. And guess what? Leveling up doesn't just make you feel better about yourself, it makes you a more confident and charming personality in the dating world. This happened to Manon too. 

So, buckle up to learn from Manon's inspiring story. We'll talk about how she overcame her confidence struggles, challenges, the power of self-care, embraced femine energy in dating, and the secret that attracts high-value partners.

Get ready to hear the princess treatment Manon gets so that you can realize what’s possible for you. You deserve to have a masculine man fall at your feet.

Your Values:

Manon Ferrari
Image Credit: Manon Ferrari IG 

Everyone has a set of values, views, or perceptions about certain topics they believe are correct and follow. So, let's start with your values.  

1. What is Femininity to You? 

Femininity is embracing being who you are as a woman. Being in your divine Femininity is what every woman should aspire for

2. What’s a Masculine Man to You? 

A masculine man, for me, is a gentleman who takes care of a woman emotionally, physically and financially. A man who is able and confident enough to let a woman be in her true divine femininity and feminine power.

If I describe all the qualities in two words, it's provider and protector.

3. What are Your Top 3 Values, and What Does it Mean to You?

My top 3 values that I strictly stick to and are a fundamental part of my life are: 

  1. Family: It's very important because I am close to mine.
  2. Generosity: It goes both; when I feel secure with someone, I will nurture and provide a safe space for my partner so we can flourish together.
  3. Honesty: It's extremely important to be honest and be able to communicate your feelings. 

Your Story:

Manon Ferrari
   Image Credit: Manon Ferrari IG 

Life unfolds unexpectedly. Every path leads to a different story filled with new experiences to stick to and share with others. 

If I talk about myself, my life also took a detour through self-discovery after feeling lost. But that's the beauty of the journey, isn't it? We can always rewrite the narrative and become the heroine of our own story. After, girls' power! 

So, let's discuss Manon's story of femininity, growth, and relationships. 

4. Name Healthy Feminine Habits You Developed Over Time, Also, Discuss What Were the Challenges You Had When You Started to Develop Those Habits).

The healthy feminine habits I have developed over the years and love sticking to them are; 

  • Taking care of myself not only physically but mentally, going to therapy helped me tremendously to understand my past trauma and helped me heal from it. 
  • The challenge for me has always been about my confidence and trust issues, but I am still working on it:)

5. What Made You Start Your Level Up Journey?

I am 32 years old. I started when I was 25. I quickly understood that I was inspired to become the best version of myself. When I was younger, we had fewer resources than now on this journey! I am grateful we have a platform to share and help each other in this journey. 

6. What’s the Best Compliment You Ever Received?

The best compliment I have ever received and still receive is that my inside is even more beautiful than my appearance. 

7. Share a Quote that Empowers You. 

A quote that always empowers and motivates me is, “You're never too young to start an empire and never too old to chase a new dream”.

8. What Challenges Do You Still Have in Your Feminine Journey? 

My confidence is that as a content creator and a model, I am scrutinized on the Internet. As a content creator yourself, you know sometimes harsh critiques can take a toll on your feminine journey and make it even harder. 

9. What was Your Worst Date? 

Oh, it was a nightmare! This man was +20 minutes late for lunch. He was poorly dressed, and the conversation was about him being completely “tired” of life. I didn't know I signed up as a therapist when I accepted this date!

10. What was Your Best Date?

My best date ever was with my boyfriend. He flew me out to him in first class, gave me a very expensive Rolex watch as a gift, and then we went to dinner. We kissed on returning to our hotel (we slept separately). It was the beginning of a fairytale type of relationship. I will forever be grateful to have lived it in my life.

Your Maintenance:

Manon Ferrari
Image Credit: Manon Ferrari IG 

Taking care of yourself and your beauty is every girl's dream: to have a perfect feminine appearance - a maintained body, glossy skin, and perfect hair. This is where maintenance and how much time you spend on yourself come into play. Because it's vice versa: the more you take care of yourself, the more your feminine beauty and appearance will be enhanced. As a result, this boosts your confidence and makes you a more attractive personality. 

So, Let's talk about how Manon grooms and maintains herself and her beauty: 

11. Name 3 Things that Make You Look Bomb As A Beauty Influencer

  1. Knowing your color palette and then owning it when you wear it (I love wearing red)
  2. Soft wavy hair
  3.  Also, I wear high-quality pieces for shoes, bags and coats/blazers.

12. What are Your Favorite Places in Your City to Level up (Nail Tech, Hairdresser, etc.)?

Sabrina Creation is my hairstylist, and I do my hair extensions in southern France near Aix-en-Provence. For my nails, it's a close friend of mine, I only do cnd shellac on my natural nails. 

13. Name one Thing You Stopped Doing Because it Cheapened Your Appearance. 

My hair color! I was blonde, and it looked bimbo and tacky! I learnt that changing drastically your features is not a good idea and hence doesn't look good or suit you. Rather, embracing and enhancing your natural beauty and features is better.

15. How Do You Develop Body Confidence? 

Two things are necessary for me, and they are game changers for my body: the gym and my diet. Understanding your morphology is very important; this way, you can wear clothes that fit you perfectly, make you feel more confident, and slay in them. 

16. What’s the Best Compliment You Ever Have Received? 

The best compliment I receive from everyone is: I look very chic!

17. How Much Do You Spend on Your Maintenance Each Month?

So, the breakdown of my monthly maintenance is: 

  1. Hair extensions/maintenance: €300/monthly
  2. Nails: €80/monthly (approximately)
  3. Hair Care routine (Shu Uemura Reset): €150 (every 6 months)
  4. Body wax: €150/monthly
  5. Gym membership: €60/month
  6. Skincare: I use tretinoin 0.05%, which my dermatologist prescribes, so I use many La Roche Posay products to soothe my skin.
  7. Sunscreens SPF50+++ every day: Beauty of Joseon (Korean brands), no white cast and perfect for ladies with darker complexion too!
  8. Makeup: Estee Lauder, Armani Beauty, YSL Beauty, Huda Beauty, Lancome, Nyx cosmetic (super affordable with good quality).

Big Sister Advice:

Manon Ferrari
Image Credit: Manon Ferrari IG 

18. What do you Think Women Should do to Protect Themselves Better When Dating? 

-Screen the man with his first and last name on the internet (LinkedIn, for example)

-Be in your feminine energy when dating

-Trust your guts if something doesn't sit right with you, and do not go on the date.

-Always meet in a public place.

-Always video call/facetime the person before meeting them.

-Tell your family member or a close friend about your whereabouts. 

Also Read: How To Be Feminine In A Relationship and Stop Dating Bad Guys

19. What are the Femininity Pages/Role Models that Empower You? 

@highvaluequeens on IG. I also like @upcloseandstylish; she inspires me with her clothing. What I like the most is Pinterest for inspiration. 

20. What are Your Top Places to Meet High Earners in Your City?

In Aix-en-Provence, none, to be quite honest! It's better to go to Cannes or Monaco, which is about 1h/2h by car.

21. What is the Thing a Guy has Done that Made You Think You Made Progress in Dating?

Telling me we were exclusive from the start, providing me with a debit card under my first and last name, making me try an engagement ring and talking about having kids.

22. Name a Red Flag Too Many Women Overlook.

Never believe a man's words, only his actions! If something is too good to be true, it probably is…

24. Where Can We Find You?

You can find me on Instagram as @Manon_Ferrari

Wrap Up  

It's not that Manon is one lucky woman, and other women are doomed.

How about you start manifesting high value men and start showing up as your most confident self?

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m new to femininity; how can I get him to take care of me?” “Am I supposed just to ask him to give me his credit card?” “Do I need to lie about my car breaking down to see if he offers to give me money?”

No, Ken, you don’t lie. 

You don’t have to ask a guy to give you princess treatment. He naturally does it when he starts to fall for you.

There are effective ways to build a genuine connection with high-status men. When you learn how to do it, you will see they commit without friction and pay your bills.

You can figure it out on your own, but my femininity bundle guides you step-by-step if you want to go faster. Click here to grab it.


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